Empowering BIPOC communities for a brighter future.

Supporting mental health and wellness.


The rise in violent crime in the U.S. is alarming and having devastating effects on BIPOC communities. We are a 501c3 organization established to build resilience in trauma-affected BIPOC communities through resource mobilization, revitalization and education centered around spiritual care and wellness.

Opportunities for Healing

UTAWP provides mental health and wellness services to underserved populations and creates micro business opportunities for youth and their families to reinvest in their communities.


Education for Leaders

We create tailored psycho educational programs to address the needs of BIPOC communities. From training on the latest conceptual frameworks for trauma informed care to wellness and trauma recovery, we help leaders understand the devastating effects of trauma in our communities.


Support for Communities

Education happens within the context of a larger community. Our approach extends beyond leaders to help community members have the necessary support to live their best lives.


“People can carry trauma throughout generations due to historical adversities, violence, and oppression. Sometimes, our daily lives are influenced by trauma that we aren’t even aware of.”

— BIPOC mental health month 2020 outreach toolkit



Feel free to contact us with any questions.


(404) 574-8242